Confessions are heard at Immaculate Conception B.V.M. Church on 

Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.,

Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., and anytime upon request.

The Sacrament of Penance, Confession, or Reconciliation can be defined as the intention of returning to God and acknowledging our sins with true sorrow.  The Gospels show how important it is for the forgiveness of our sins so as to allow us to grow in holiness.  The Rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation can be done face-to-face or anonymously, with a screen between the penitent and the priest.  

There are a few common steps to celebrating this Sacrament:  

Before the Confession:   A clear and decisive rejection of the sins committed, together with a resolution not to commit them again is the essential act of Penance.  Out of the love one has for God, a resolution to try and avoid the occasions of sin suffices for true repentance.

Examination of Conscience:  Before entering the confessional, the penitent should make a review of mortal and venial sins committed since the last sacramental confession.  A good way to examine your conscious is to review the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Church:


1. Have God and the pursuit of sanctity in Christ been the goal of my life? Have I denied my faith? Have I placed my trust in false teachings or substitutes for God? Did I despair of God's mercy?


2. Have I avoided the profane use of God's name in my speech? Have I broken a solemn vow or promise?


3. Have I honored every Sunday by avoiding unnecessary work, celebrating the Mass and/or Holy Day? Was I inattentive at, or unnecessarily late for Mass, or did I leave early?


4. Have I shown Christ-like respect to parents, spouse, and family members, legitimate authorities? Have I been attentive to the religious education and formation of my children?


5. Have I cared for the bodily health and safety of myself and all others? Did I abuse drugs or alcohol? Have I supported in any way abortion, "mercy killing," or suicide?


6. Was I impatient, angry, envious, proud, jealous, revengeful, lazy? Have I forgiven others?


7. Have I been just in my responsibilities to employer and employees? Have I discriminated against others because of race or other reasons?


8. Have I been chaste in thought and word? Have I used sex only within marriage and while open to procreating life? Have I given myself sexual gratification? Did I deliberately look at impure TV, pictures, or reading?


9. Have I stolen anything from another, from my employer, or from government? If so, am I ready to repay it? Did I fulfill my contracts? Did I rashly gamble, depriving my family of necessities?


10. Have I spoken ill of any other person? Have I always told the truth? Have I kept secrets and confidences?


11. Have I permitted sexual thoughts about someone to whom I am not married?


12. Have I desired what belongs to other people? Have I wished ill on another?

13. Have I been faithful to sacramental living (Holy Communion and Penance)?


14. Have I helped make my parish community stronger and holier? Have I contributed to the support of the Church?


15. Have I done penance by abstaining and fasting on obligatory days? Have I fasted before receiving communion?


16. Have I been mindful of the poor? Do I accept God's will for me?



During Confession:  A personal time with the priest, Confession is a time to admit your sins as concisely and exactly as possible and ask for the forgiveness of God and the Church.  Listen to the words of the priest and the following penance he will give to you. This penance, either recitation of prayers, a small sacrifice, or a work of charity is assigned to remind the penitent that it is through constant penance that we are truly able to overcome our sins and to share in what Christ merited for us.

At the End of Confession:  Listen to the words of absolution which is the sacramental forgiveness of the Church through the ordained priest.  Then, give thanks to God for his constant love and mercy towards His beloved children. 

To learn more about the Sacrament of First Reconciliation as part of our Religious Education Program, please click here.